CloudKassir for Developers (English) NAV

Online Cash Register

Version 3.0, date 15.03.2019

Federal Law №54

Federal Law №54 "On the use of cash registers", as amended on July 3, 2016, prescribes Internet services, when making an electronic payments (including by a bank card), to use cash registers and send online-receipts to a buyer at the time of calculation.

Law Basics

Online Register

We use "MicroPay-FAS" and "MicroPay-FS" cash registers with the connection to any operator of fiscal data.



The cost of online fiscalization and maintenance services can be found on the website CloudKassir and/or clarified with your account manager.

Onboarding Procedure

To activate the online fiscalization service, you need:

After signing the contract and paying the bill, you will get a Cash Register and FN number for registration with the Federal Tax Service.

Fiscal Data Operators

The table below shows the fiscal data operators that online cash registers can work with.

Code Operator's name
PeterService LLC "PS ST"
FirstOfd First OFD
Taxcom Taxcom
PlatformaOfd Platforma OFD
OfdYa OfdYa
OfdYandex Yandex OFD
Garantexpress Garant OFD
OfdAstralNalog Astral OFD
Sbis Company "TENZOR", Ltd.

Terms and Conditions of Online-Receipt Generation

Sending a Receipt to a Buyer

At the choice of a buyer, an online receipt must be sent by e-mail or SMS (Viber / WhatsApp / Telegram) message to the phone number. If online receipt generating request is correct, or you did it manually in Back Office, the system sends all the necessary details in the Receipt notification about generated receipts.

The Moment of Sending a Receipt

A receipt must be sent to the buyer at the time of settlement. For Single message scheme payment, a receipt is generated immediately once the payment has been completed, for dual message scheme payments - upon confirmation of the operation.

Online Receipt Testing

When operating in test mode, cash receipts will be generated in a demo Cash Register with a debug fiscal drive. You can transfer data for an online receipt when paying in test mode and check the operation of the online cash register.


Cash Register API is a program interface for interacting with an online cash register.

Interaface works on and supports functions for fiscalization of cash registers, as well as the generation of an online receipts and sending them to the customers.

Interface Basics

Selection of format of the parameters to transfer is determined on the client side and is controlled via the request header Content- Type .

System's reply have JSON format, which is as minimum includes two parameters: Success and Message:

{ "Success": false, "Message": "Invalid Amount value" }

The first parameter indicates the result of the query - whether it is successful or not, the second one may contain an additional information.

Requests Authentication

To authenticate the request, use HTTP Basic Auth - send the login and password in the header of HTTP request. Public ID is used as login, API Secret is used as password. Both of these values can be obtained in your account.

API Idempotency

Idempotency - the ability of API to produce the same result as the primary without re-processing in case of duplicated requests. This means that you can send several requests to the system with the same identifier, and only one request will be processed. All the answers will be identical. By this way, protection against network errors is implemented, which lead to the creation of duplicate records and actions.

To enable idempotency, it is necessary in API request to send a header with the key X-Request-ID containing a unique identifier. Generation of the request identifier remains on your side - it can be a guid, a combination of the order number, date and amount, or any other value on your choice. Each new request that needs to be processed must include the new X-Request-ID value. The processed result is stored in the system for 1 hour.

Test Method

To test the interaction with the API, you can call this method.

Method URL:


Response example:
Method returns a request status.


Register Fiscalization

The method of launching a cash register to the fiscal operation mode (initial registration).

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
Inn String Required TIN of the organization or individual entrepreneur
DeviceNumber String Required Factory number of the register
FiscalNumber String Required Fiscal storage number
RegNumber String Required Registration number of the register
Url String Required Website address.
Ofd String Required Fiscal Data Operator, see the reference
TaxationSystem Array Required Оne or a few values of taxation systms, see the reference
MerchantEmail String Required Email of the Online Store
MerchantPhone String Optional Phone of the Online Store
IsBso Bool Optional if receipt is a form of strict accountability (BSO)

Request example:

   "Inn":"7708806062",                      //TIN
   "DeviceNumber":"00000000000000000001",   //Factory number of the register
   "FiscalNumber":"9999078900005430",       //Fiscal storage number
   "RegNumber":"0000000004030311",          //Registration number of the register
   "Url":"",            //Website address. 
   "Ofd":"PeterService",                    //Fiscal Data Operator
   "TaxationSystem":[0],                    //Taxation System
   "MerchantEmail":"",            //Email of the Online Store
   "MerchantPhone":"899999999",             //Phone of  the Online Store 
   "IsBso":false,                           //not BSO

Cash register fiscalization is an asynchronous operation, therefore, in response to an API request, the system reports that the command has been queued and will be processed within a few minutes. The registration report will be sent to your e-mail, and in addition, you can enable Kkt notification in your account.

Response example:

{"Success":true,"Message":"Fiscal data queued"}

Online Receipt Generation

Method of an online receipt generation.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
Inn String Required TIN of the organization or individual entrepreneur
Type String Required Payment sign, see the reference
CustomerReceipt JSON Required Receipt composition. See below the parameters table
InvoiceId String Optional Invoice or Order ID in your system
AccountId String Optional Payer's ID in your system

When specifying the e-mail address or phone number of a payer, the system will automatically send an email with the receipt or a message with a link to the receipt. You can also do not specify contacts, but send a receipt to the buyer in electronic form with the indication of the fiscal details received in the Receipt notification.


The table contains the types of receipt and its corresponding settlement characteristics that are used to generation of receipts.

Type Settlement sign Use
Income Income Issued upon receiving of funds from a buyer (client)
IncomeReturn Income Return Issued when funds, that previously was received, returned to a buyer (client)
Expense Expense Issued when granting funds to a buyer (client)
ExpenseReturn Expense Return Issued when receiving funds,that previously was given, from a buyer (client)


Receipt composition parameters.
CustomerReceipt object also could be transferred within Data either trough widget, or in any other payment method of CloudPayments (for example, payment by cryptogram, by a token, payment confirmation, refunds, subscription changes and so on) for Income online-receipt generation after a successful payment.

Parameter Type Use Description
Items JSON Required Receipt positions, see below
TaxationSystem String Required Taxation System (Optional, if you have only one taxation system), see below
CalculationPlace String Optional Place where is payment comes
Email String Optional E-mail of payer for sending an online receipt
Phone String Optional Payer's phone in any format for sending a link to a receipt
CustomerInfo String Optional Customer's organization name or surname, name, patronymic (if any), series and passport number of the payer (client), OFD tag 122
CustomerInn String Optional Customer's TIN, tag OFD 1228
isBso Булевый Optional True, if a receipt is a strict reporting form
AgentSign String Optional Agent sign, OFD tag 1057, see below
Amounts JSON Required Total amount of payment or refund, see below


Item parameters of receipt.

Parameter Type Use Description
Label String Required Goods label
Price String Required Price per unit /commodity/service
Quantity String Required Quantity
Vat String Required VAT Rate
Amount String Required Price * Quantity with discount
Method String Optional Settlement method, see below
Object String Optional Settlement object, see below
MeasurementUnit String Optional Measurement unit
Excise String Optional Excise amount
CountryOriginCode String Optional Code of country origin of goods in accordance with 3 characters Russian Classifier of World Countries, OFD tag 1230
CustomsDeclarationNumber String Optional Customs declaration registration number, 32 characters, OFD tag 1231
AgentSign String Optional Agent tag, OFD tag 1222, see below
AgentData JSON Optional Agent data, OFD tag 1223, see below
PurveyorData JSON Optional Payment agent supplier data, OFD tag 1224, see below
ProductCodeData JSON Optional Product marking data, OFD tag 1162, see below
Code Description
null or not specified no VAT
0 VAT 0%
10 VAT 10%
20 VAT 20%
110 estimated VAT 10/110
120 estimated VAT 20/120
12 VAT 12% (for cash registers in Kazakhstan only)

Settlement method attribute.

Code Description Comment
0 Unknown Unknown settlement method
1 FullPrepayment Prepayment 100%
2 PartialPrepayment Partial prepayment
3 AdvancePay Prepaid expense
4 FullPay Full payment
5 PartialPayAndCredit Partial payment and credit
6 Credit Take in credit
7 CreditPayment Loan repayment

Settlement object attribute.

Code Description
0 Unknown
1 Commodity
2 ExcisedCommodity
3 Job
4 Service
5 GamblingBet
6 GamblingWin
7 LotteryTicket
8 LotteryWin
9 RidAccess
10 Payment
11 AgentReward
12 Composite
13 Another

Agent data, OFD Tag 1223.

Parameter Type Use Description
AgentOperationName String Required The name of the operation of the bank payment agent or bank payment subagent, OFD Tag 1044
PaymentAgentPhone String Required Payment agent phone, OFD Tag 1073
PaymentReceiverOperatorPhone String Required Phone of taking payment operator, OFD Tag 1074
TransferOperatorPhone String Required Phone of money transfer operator, OFD Tag 1075
TransferOperatorName String Required The name of money transfer operator, ODF Tag 1026
TransferOperatorAddress String Required Address of money transfer operator, OFD Tag 1005
TransferOperatorInn String Required TIN of the money transfer operator, OFD Tag 1016

Purveyor data, OFD Tag 1224.

Parameter Type Use Description
Phone String Required Supplier's phone number, OFD Tag 1171
Name String Required Supplier's Name, OFD Tag 1225
Inn String Required Supplier's TIN, OFD Tag 1226


The table below contains the options for tax systems of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, which are used in the generation of online-receipts.

Code Taxation System
0 General taxation system
1 Simplified Tax System (Income)
2 Simplified taxation system (Income minus Expense)
3 A single tax on imputed income
4 Single agricultural tax
5 Patent taxation system


Agent Sign attribute, OFD Tag 1057, 1222. For the correct generation of online-receipt you need: In each heading, specify agent data (Tag 1223) and purveyor data (Tag 1224).

Code Description
0 "Bank payment agent", Provision of services by the user, which is a bank payment agent
1 "Bank payment subagent", Provision of services by the user, which is a bank payment subagent
2 "Paying agent", the provision of services by the user, who is a payment agent
3 "Payment subagent", Provision of services by the user, which is a payment subagent
4 "Attorney", Provision of services by the user who is an attorney
5 "Commissioner", the provision of services by the user, who is the commissioner
6 "Agent", Provision of services by a user who is an agent and is not a bank payment agent (subagent), payment agent (subagent), attorney, commission agent


Total amount of payment or refund. Must contain one of the following parameters

Parameter Type Use Description
Electronic String Optional Amount of Electronic payment
AdvancePayment String Optional Prepayment amount
Credit String Optional Post payment amount
Provision String Optional Provision amount

Request example

    "Inn": "7708806062", //Tin
    "InvoiceId": "1234567", //Order number, Optional
    "AccountId": "", //Payer's ID, Optional
    "Type": "Income", //Payment sign
        "Items": //commodity items
                "label": "Product №1", //goods name
                "price": 100.00, 
                "quantity": 1.00, 
                "amount": 100.00, 
                "vat": 0, //vat rate
                "method": 0, // tag 1214 sign of the settlement method
                "object": 0, // tag 1212 sign of the settlement object - sign of the settlement object, work, service, payment, payout, or another settlement object
                "measurementUnit": "шт" 
                "label": "Product №2",  //item's name
                "price": 200.00, 
                "quantity": 2.00, 
                "amount": 300.00, //amount with 25% discount
                "vat": 10, //vat rate
                "method": 0, // tag 1214 sign of the settlement method
                "object": 0, // tag 1212 sign of the settlement object - sign of the settlement object, work, service, payment, payout, or another settlement object
                "measurementUnit": "шт",
                "excise": 0.01, // tag 1229 excise amount
                "countryOriginCode": "156", // tag 1230 digital code of the goods origin country in accordance with the National country classification in 3 characters
                "customsDeclarationNumber": "54180656/1345865/3435625/23", // tag 1231 customs declaration registration number 32 characters
                "ProductCodeData":  //product mark data
                        "CodeProductNomenclature":"3031303239303030303033343....a78495a4f6672754744773d3d" //full HEX of marking barcode (Only for Micropay cash registers)
                "label": "Product №3", //item's name
                    "price": 300.00, 
                    "quantity": 3.00,
                    "amount": 900.00, 
                    "vat": 20, //vat rate
                    "method": 0, // tag 1214 sign of the settlement method
                    "object": 0, // tag 1212 sign of the settlement object - sign of the settlement object, work, service, payment, payout, or another settlement object
                    "measurementUnit": "шт", 
                    "AgentSign": 6, // tag OFD 1222
                    "AgentData": //tag OFD 1223
                        "AgentOperationName": null, // name of the operation of the bank payment agent or bank payment subagent, tag OFD 1044
                        "PaymentAgentPhone": null,  //  payment agent telephone, tag OFD 1073
                        "PaymentReceiverOperatorPhone": null, // tag OFD 1074
                        "TransferOperatorPhone": null, // tag OFD 1075
                        "TransferOperatorName": null, // tag OFD 1026
                        "TransferOperatorAddress": null, // tag OFD 1005
                        "TransferOperatorInn": null // tag OFD 1016
                    "PurveyorData": //tag OFD 1224
                        "Phone": "+74951234567", // tag OFD 1171
                        "Name": "ООО Ромашка", // tag OFD 1225
                        "Inn": "1234567890" // tag OFD 1226
        "calculationPlace": "", //settlement place, by default taken from the cash register
        "taxationSystem": 0, //optional, if you have one taxation system
        "email": "", //buyer's e-mail , if you need to send a email with the receip
        "phone": "", //buyer's phone number in free format, if you need to send a link on the receipt via SMS
        "customerInfo": "", // tag 1227 Buyer's organisation name or name, middlename(if available), surname and passport data (of buyer)
        "customerInn": "7708806063", // tag 1228 TIN of the buyer  
        "isBso": false, //if receipt is a form of strict accountability
        "AgentSign": null, // tag OFD 1057
            "electronic": 1300.00, // the amount of payment by electronic money
            "advancePayment": 0.00, // prepayment amount (offset of advance payment) (2 decimal places)
            "credit": 0.00, // postpay amount (on credit) (2 decimal places)
            "provision": 0.00 // the amount of payment by the reciprocal grant (certificates, other physical values) (2 decimal places)

Online Receipt Generation is an asynchronous operation, therefore, in response to an API request, the system reports that the command has been queued and will be processed within a few seconds. To get the operation result you can enable Receipt notification in your account. Once receipt is queued it has a unique ID.

Response example: accepted:

    "Model": {
        "Id": "QSnuAqV",
        "ErrorCode": 0
    "InnerResult": null,
    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Queued"

Response example: incorrect:

    "Model": {
        "ErrorCode": -1
    "InnerResult": null,
    "Success": false,
    "Message": "Компания с ИНН 7777777777 не найдена"

In case of failure the Model returns an object ErrorCode field (see the reference)

Receipt Status Request

Method of getting the receipt status

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
Id String Required Receipt ID

Request example:

{ "Id": "Nr9eTaj" }

Response example:

   "Model": "Processed",
   "Success": true

Receipt Details Request

Method of getting the receipt details

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
Id String Required Receipt ID

Request example:

{ "Id": "Nr9eTaj" }

Response example:

    "Model": {
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": null,
        "Items": [
                "Label": "Product №1",
                "Price": 100,
                "Quantity": 1,
                "Amount": 100,
                "Department": null,
                "Vat": 0,
                "EAN13": null,
                "AgentSign": null,
                "Method": 6,
                "Object": 3,
                "MeasurementUnit": "шт",
                "Code": "1322",
                "AgentData": null,
                "PurveyorData": null
                "Label": "Product №2",
                "Price": 220,
                "Quantity": 2.5,
                "Amount": 550,
                "Department": null,
                "Vat": 10,
                "EAN13": null,
                "AgentSign": 2,
                "Method": 0,
                "Object": 0,
                "MeasurementUnit": null,
                "Code": null,
                "AgentData": {
                    "PayingAgentOperation": null,
                    "PayingAgentPhone": null,
                    "ReceivePaymentsOperatorPhone": null,
                    "MoneyTransferOperatorPhone": null,
                    "MoneyTransferOperatorName": null,
                    "MoneyTransferOperatorAddress": null,
                    "MoneyTransferOperatorVATIN": null
                "PurveyorData": null
                "Label": "Product №3",
                "Price": 150,
                "Quantity": 5,
                "Amount": 600,
                "Department": null,
                "Vat": 20,
                "EAN13": null,
                "AgentSign": null,
                "Method": 0,
                "Object": 0,
                "MeasurementUnit": null,
                "Code": null,
                "AgentData": null,
                "PurveyorData": null
        "TaxationSystem": 2,
        "Amounts": null,
        "IsBso": false,
        "AdditionalData": {
            "Id": "Nr9eTaj",
            "AccountId": ""
            "Amount": 1150,
            "CalculationPlace": "",
            "CashierName": "test",
            "DateTime": "2018-11-14T16:19:33",
            "DeviceNumber": "00000000000000000001",
            "DocumentNumber": "1323",
            "FiscalNumber": "9999078900005430",
            "FiscalSign": "13223",
            "InvoiceId": "1322223",
            "Ofd": "Первый ОФД",
            "OfdReceiptUrl": "",
            "OrganizationInn": "7708806062",
            "QrCodeUrl": "",
            "RegNumber": "322223",
            "SenderEmail": "",
            "SessionCheckNumber": "12223",
            "SessionNumber": "1",
            "SettlePlace": "117342, Москва, ул. Бутлерова, 17Б", //address
            "TransactionId": 14442,
            "Type": "Income",
    "InnerResult": null,
    "Success": true,
    "Message": null

Cash Register State Change

The method of manual control of the state of the cash register. Cash register can be turned off (for maintenance) and activated (put into operation).

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
Inn String Required TIN of the organization or individual entrepreneur
DeviceNumber String Required Factory Device Number
FiscalNumber String Required Fiscal Storage Number
OnMaintenance Bool Required True if the register must be placed for maintenance

Request example:

   "Inn":"7708806062",                      //TIN
   "DeviceNumber":"00000000000000000001",   //Factory Device Number
   "FiscalNumber":"9999078900005430",       //Fiscal Storage Number
   "OnMaintenance":true          //Maintenance sign

Response example:

{"Success":true,"Message":"Kkt status was changed"}

Receiving Cash Register Data

Method of receiving cash register data.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
DeviceNumber String Required Factory Device Number
FiscalNumber String Required Fiscal Storage Number

Request example:

   "DeviceNumber": "00000000000000000001",   //Factory Device Number
   "FiscalNumber": "9999078900005430",       //Fiscal Storage Number

Response example:

    "Inn":"7708806062", //Tin
    "DeviceNumber": "00000000000000000001", //Factory Device Number
    "FiscalNumber": "9999078900005430", //Fiscal Storage Number
    "RegNumber": "0000000004030311", //Registration number of the register
    "Status": "Online", 
    "Fiscal": true, //Fiscal mode
    "OfdName": "Первый ОФД", //OFD
    "SettlePlace": "117342, Москва, ул. Бутлерова, 17Б", //address/location
    "CalculationPlace": "", 
    "KkmModelName": "Терминал ФА", //Model name of cash register
    "FiscalDateEnd": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000+000", //Fiscal storage expiration date
    "FirmwareVersion": "14.1.2", //firmware version
    "IsBso": false, //for BSO


Notification - HTTP request from the system to your site. Similar requests are also called callback or webhook.


Performed once online receipt has been generated and sent to payer.

Used to inform about the generated online receipt: the system sends a request to the address of the merchant with the receipt details, and the merchant site have to register the information.

Parameters are in the body of request, listed below:

Parameter Format Use Description
Id String Required Receipt unique identifier
DocumentNumber Numeric Required Receipt number
SessionNumber Numeric Required Shift number
Number Numeric Required Receipt number in the shift
FiscalSign String Required Fiscal sign of the document
DeviceNumber Numeric Required Serial number of the cash register
RegNumber String Required Registration number of the cash register
FiscalNumber String Required Fiscal storage number
Inn Number Required TIN
Type String Required Accounting operation type see reference
Ofd String Required Fiscal data operator name
Url String Required URL address of receipt
QrCodeUrl String Required URL address with a QR code for checking a receipt in the Federal Tax Authority
TransactionId Numeric Optional System's transaction number
Amount Number Required Receipt amount
DateTime yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Required Date/time of receipt generation time in the UTC time zone
InvoiceId String Optional Order or Invoice number
AccountId String Optional Payer's ID
Receipt JSON Required Receipt composition
CalculationPlace String Optional Calculation Place
CashierName String Optional Cashier Name
SettlePlace String Optional Cash Register settle place

The system expects to receive a response in JSON format with the required parameter code:


The code defines the result of notification processing by the merchant and can take only one value:

Code Value
0 Receipt registered

Interface Basics and Notification Validation

Parameters must be sent by POST or GET method in the body of request by the format “key = value”.

The receipt notification have the X-Content-HMAC and Content-HMAC HTTP headers which contains a validation value of the request, calculated using the algorithm HMAC. The only difference is that the first one is generated from URL decoded (or not encoded) parameters, and the second one is generated from URL encoded parameters (which can cause problems). If you need to verify the authenticity and integrity of notifications, you can calculate the validation value on your side and compare it with what came in the request. The match confirms that the notice was sent from us and came to you in its original form.

When implementing notification validation, pay attention to the following points:

HMAC calculation Examples in different programming languages.

The system sends notifications from the following addresses:, New address subnets have been added -, and


Timezone Codes

The table below contains time zone codes for time conversion.

Code Description
HST (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
AKST (UTC-09:00) Alaska
PST (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US and Canada)
MST (UTC-07:00) Mountain time (USA and Canada)
CST (UTC-06:00) Central time (USA and Canada)
EST (UTC-05:00) Eastern time (USA and Canada)
AST (UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)
BRT (UTC-03:00) Brazil
UTC (UTC) UTC Format
GMT (UTC) Dublin, Lisbon, London, Edinburgh
CET (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Vienna, Rome, Stockholm
CET (UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
CET (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
CET (UTC+01:00) Warsaw, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Skopje
EET (UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest
EET (UTC+02:00) Vilnius, Kiev, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Helsinki
EET (UTC+02:00) Eastern Europe
EET (UTC+02:00) Kaliningrad (RTZ 1)
MSK (UTC+03:00) Volgograd, Moscow, St. Petersburg (RTZ 2)
MSK (UTC+03:00) Minsk
AZT (UTC+04:00) Baku
AMT (UTC+04:00) Yerevan
SAMT (UTC+04:00) Izhevsk, Samara (RTZ 3)
GET (UTC+04:00) Tbilisi
TJT (UTC+05:00) Ashgabat, Tashkent
YEKT (UTC+05:00) Yekaterinburg (RTZ 4)
ALMT (UTC+06:00) Astana, Almaty
NOVT (UTC+06:00) Novosibirsk (RTZ 5)
KRAT (UTC+07:00) Krasnoyarsk (RTZ 6)
HKT (UTC+08:00) Hong Kong, Beijing, Urumqi, Chongqing
IRKT (UTC+08:00) Irkutsk (RTZ 7)
SGT (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
ULAT (UTC+08:00) Ulaanbaatar
YAKT (UTC+09:00) Yakutsk (RTZ 8)
VLAT (UTC+10:00) Vladivostok, Magadan (RTZ 9)
SAKT (UTC+11:00) Chokurdah (RTZ 10)
ANAT (UTC+12:00) Anadyr, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (RTZ 11)

Notification Type

The table below contains the type of notifications.

Code Name
Receipt Receipt

Error Codes

The table below contains the error codes of Online Receipt Generation method.

Code Description
-1 Unknown
2 Cash register for this organisation is missing
3 The transferred taxation system is not set in any cash register for this organization
4 Some of required agent data is missing
5 Vendor TIN or vendor phone number for agent settlement is missing
6 Registration of services is not allowed during the registration of a cash register or the buyer's phone number is not correct
7 Incorrect provider's TIN format
8 Document storage resource has been exhausted (Fiscal drive is full)